A large eye health company jumps to Page 1 just 3 weeks after new brand launch
MPG was asked to develop a program in just 3 weeks that would help generate 100+ User Generated Content (UGC). The client sought to leverage lifestyle influencers to create content for Instagram (IG) and TikTok to enhance SEO and subsequent Page 1 wins. Additionally, the client was looking to drive share of voice, product visibility, as well as incremental ratings & reviews that scaled with sales.
The program resulted in significant positive reviews across the brand's social platforms and drove trial which boosted the client's new product launch and led to an increase in organic rankings.
+1.5M in reach
123 UGC across socials
+40 reviews
4.9/5 average star rating which boosted product to
5 full stars
11 SEO Page 1 wins
Product rank boosted to Page 1 for most relevant search terms